Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

Experience a Holistic Healing Approach with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP). KAP doesn’t merely address symptoms; it delves into the root causes, including negative thought patterns, lifestyle factors, past trauma, coping strategies, and brain chemistry. This comprehensive approach makes KAP remarkably effective, especially when traditional treatments fall short.

What Does Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) Entail?

Emerging evidence highlights the powerful synergy of combining two evidence-based tools: ketamine and therapy. This synergy not only brings relief but also offers more lasting results in managing depression. In just a matter of weeks, Ketamine Assisted Therapy can fast-track your healing journey, achieving what might have taken years with traditional talk therapy alone. The introspective nature of KAP fosters emotional growth, enhances overall well-being, and elevates your quality of life.

Discover the transformative potential of KAP today. Your path to lasting mental health improvement begins here.

Why Consider Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy can offer hope and relief for individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, and other mental health challenges. While the journey may have its ups and downs, the guidance of trained professionals and your commitment to self-improvement can lead to profound transformation.

Studies indicate that ketamine facilitates brain reconfiguration, paving the way for innovative thought patterns and emotions. This brain restructuring, coupled with professional therapeutic guidance, empowers clients to maximize the beneficial effects of ketamine’s transformative impact.

Ketamine boasts an impressive safety record, having been used as an anesthetic in medical settings for years. Under the care of knowledgeable professionals, such as our team in Austin, ketamine remains a non-addictive and dependable treatment option.

What to expect?

What to expect during your journey towards mental well-being. KAP is an innovative and transformative approach to mental health treatment, and understanding what lies ahead can make the process more comfortable and effective.

1. Initial Consultation

At the outset of your KAP journey, you can expect an initial consultation with a qualified medical and mental health professional. During this meeting:

  • You’ll have a chance to discuss your medical history, current mental health concerns, and treatment goals.
  • Your therapist will explain the KAP process, answer your questions, and determine if you are a suitable candidate for this therapy.
  • Together, you’ll create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs.

3. The KAP Session

The KAP session itself is a crucial part of your journey:

  • You’ll be in a comfortable and medically supervised environment, we offer a peaceful and calming setting to being your journey.
  • A qualified healthcare provider will administer a carefully measured dose of ketamine, and you’ll be closely monitored throughout the session.
  • The experience can vary from person to person but may involve altered perceptions, thoughts, and feelings. Your therapist will be there to guide and support you.

5. Follow-Up and Ongoing Support

Your journey doesn’t end after a single KAP session:

  • Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and adjust your treatment plan as needed.
  • Your therapist will provide ongoing support, helping you build resilience and maintain your mental well-being.

2. Preparation for the Session

Before your first KAP session, here’s what you can anticipate:

  • Your therapist amd medical team will guide you on any preparation, such as fasting or discontinuing certain medications, to ensure the best possible experience.
  • You’ll receive clear instructions on what to wear and what to bring on the day of your session.
  • Emotional and mental preparation may include setting intentions and establishing a comfortable and safe mindset.

4. Integration and Post-Session Care

After your KAP session, integration is vital:

  • You’ll have a post-session discussion with your therapist to process your experience, insights, and emotions.
  • Together, you’ll work on integrating what you’ve learned into your daily life and continue your healing journey through ongoing threpautic support.
  • A series of 6 sessions may be scheduled as part of your treatment plan to achieve long-term benefits.


Discover relief from the mental and emotional distress that has burdened many for so long.


Discover a sense of inner calm and empathy. 


Discover fresh insights into your inner self and the dynamics of your relationships. 


Uncover a profound bond with your inner self and those around you. 

Enhance Growth

Release the emotions of fear and shame that have hindered your progression.


Achieve any additional psychological well-being objectives you might possess. 

Book an appointment!

Ask a question or book an appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital


5806 Mesa Drive Suite 305 Austin, TX 78731