Empower your mind by healing trauma with EMDR

What is EMDR Therapy?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a method of psychotherapy that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma.

EMDR is also effective to use as a treatment for adverse life experiences, which means any experience that was overwhelming at the time that it happened. Current negative emotions, feelings, and behaviors are frequently caused by these overwhelming earlier experiences in life. In EMDR therapy we will make a map of your current dissatisfying experiences and identify the earlier experiences they are associated with.  These “experiences” become “targets” for processing. The processing activates the brain’s natural healing process, allowing the memory to be properly stored. Once a memory is properly stored in the brain you will no longer experience the disturbing thoughts, beliefs, and emotions that were associated with it.  This naturally creates changes in behavior and experience.

EMDR is an Efficient Treatment Approach

The positive therapeutic outcomes rapidly achieved by EMDR therapy proves that it is an efficient treatment approach with a wide range of applications including:


Complicated Grief

Pain Disorders/Chronic Pain



Dissociative Disorders

Eating Disorders

Sexual and/or Physical Abuse

Panic Attacks


Stress Reduction

Relationship Difficulties

Why are adverse life experiences so important?

Because we can now link these experiences to chronic stress reactions that occur in the body creating psychological and biological changes later in life.

If unaddressed with an effective therapy, people can be at risk for both mental and physical health issues later in life.

The ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study is now over 20 years old but the implications are just starting to have an impact on our healthcare system.

Here’s What We Know

ACEs are common…64% of adults have at least one.

The more ACEs you have, the greater the risk for chronic disease, such as Cancer and Heart Disease, Mental Illness, such as Anxiety and Depression, Relationship Difficulties and the list goes on…

Childhood adversity contributes to most of our major chronic health, mental health, economic health and social health issues.

And we are learning that it’s not just major difficulties that cause some of these issues but the subtle messaging and difficulties we face in our daily lives has a large impact on us as well.

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For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital


5806 Mesa Drive Suite 305 Austin, TX 78731
